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How To Install A Grease Zerk That's Countersunk
Bob Corbiel, Unibob Tools (ph 403 556-1177; www.unibobtools.com): Trying to install a grease zerk that's countersunk can be tricky, especially if the zerk is difficult to reach. This specially designed "zerk socket" makes the job easy.
  The Nipple Gripper holds the grease zerk in place at the correct depth. Inventor Bob Corbiel machined the inside of a 1/4-in. nut so that it perfectly fits the bottom end of any 1/8 npt grease zerk. He milled a socket and welded the nut inside the socket. He also put a magnet inside the zerk so it can't slip sideways.
  "It holds the zerk rigidly outside the socket at just the right depth," says Corbiel. "When you try putting a zerk inside a standard socket, there's no way to extend the zerk outside the socket far enough so the threads will engage and you can screw it into place. It also works great for removing zerks, too."
  Sells for $10 plus S&H.

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #5