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"Mower Tilt" Makes Maintenance Easy
FARM SHOW found a handy new device for push mower decks at the recent Green Industry Expo in Louisville, Ky.
"I wanted a way to do maintenance without tipping the mower on its side or having to have someone hold the mower handle down," explains inventor Arthur Wright, who had a prototype on display.
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"Mower Tilt" Makes Maintenance Easy FARM HOME Lawn Mowers (31h,38) 32-6-40 FARM SHOW found a handy new device for push mower decks at the recent Green Industry Expo in Louisville, Ky.
"I wanted a way to do maintenance without tipping the mower on its side or having to have someone hold the mower handle down," explains inventor Arthur Wright, who had a prototype on display.
With his Mower Tilt, you just push a round 12-in. pin into the ground with your foot, hook the mower handle under the bracket, and fasten it in place with a pin. If you're on sandy or soft ground, you can slip in a second pin from the opposite direction for a better hold.
The J-shaped bracket can also be used in the shop to hang weed whips and other lawn tools.
Wright is negotiating with two companies interested in marketing his invention. The disabled coal miner, who spent 35 years underground, says he was overwhelmed by the reaction to his invention at the giant lawn and garden trade show.
"I never could have imagined the reception I got to my idea," he says. "I had more than 1,000 interested customers and could easily have sold 500 to 600 of them at the show."
Wright hopes to keep the price around $15 retail, but final pricing will depend on production and marketing costs. He promised to let FARM SHOW know when Mower Tilt becomes available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arthur Wright, 175 Dickinson Ave., Beckley, W. Va. 25801 (ph 304 252-3821; aawbuild@
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