Old-Style Barn Lights Catch On
Bryan Scott has collected antique lights for years, but when he and his wife moved onto a property with a barn, he realized he didn't have old-style barn lights. But he had a lot of miscellaneous parts, so he decided to make his own lights. Before long a hobby became a business.
"Friends and family asked me for similar lights, and then a friend suggested I try to sell them on the internet," recalls Scott. "I soon was spending all my spare time making lights. My wife and I decided to quit our full-time jobs and develop the business."
Barn Light Electric Company specializes in barn lights and other high quality fixtures.
"We found a manufacturer in California," says Scott. "Everything we sell is American made; nothing is imported."
Scott sells lights to the commercial market, where they are seen in restaurants, malls and other retail outlets. Fixtures include goosenecks, sconce wall lights, chandeliers, post mounts and restaurant lighting. He says word of mouth is his best marketing.
"People see them in a public space and start looking for them for personal use," he says. "Our most popular seller is called the Original. It mounts on the wall with a gooseneck arm and a 16-in. reflecting shade."
Because the Scotts build for the commercial market, all their arms and goosenecks are commercial grade thickness and strength. "We've never had one returned because of a quality issue," he says. "We have had them returned due to size constraints. The Original projects out 22 1/2 in. from the wall. Add the shade and the total projection is 30 in. You definitely need to measure before ordering."
Scott's "Original" starts at $198 with 20 some finishes, seven of which are standard with no mark up.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Barn Light Electric Co., 3235 Garden St., Suite B-208, Titusville, Florida 32796 (ph 321 269-2299 or 800 407-8784; fax 321 747-0443; sales@barnlightelectric.com; www. barnlight electric.com).
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Old-Style Barn Lights Catch On AG WORLD 33-1-24 Bryan Scott has collected antique lights for years, but when he and his wife moved onto a property with a barn, he realized he didn't have old-style barn lights. But he had a lot of miscellaneous parts, so he decided to make his own lights. Before long a hobby became a business.
"Friends and family asked me for similar lights, and then a friend suggested I try to sell them on the internet," recalls Scott. "I soon was spending all my spare time making lights. My wife and I decided to quit our full-time jobs and develop the business."
Barn Light Electric Company specializes in barn lights and other high quality fixtures.
"We found a manufacturer in California," says Scott. "Everything we sell is American made; nothing is imported."
Scott sells lights to the commercial market, where they are seen in restaurants, malls and other retail outlets. Fixtures include goosenecks, sconce wall lights, chandeliers, post mounts and restaurant lighting. He says word of mouth is his best marketing.
"People see them in a public space and start looking for them for personal use," he says. "Our most popular seller is called the Original. It mounts on the wall with a gooseneck arm and a 16-in. reflecting shade."
Because the Scotts build for the commercial market, all their arms and goosenecks are commercial grade thickness and strength. "We've never had one returned because of a quality issue," he says. "We have had them returned due to size constraints. The Original projects out 22 1/2 in. from the wall. Add the shade and the total projection is 30 in. You definitely need to measure before ordering."
Scott's "Original" starts at $198 with 20 some finishes, seven of which are standard with no mark up.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Barn Light Electric Co., 3235 Garden St., Suite B-208, Titusville, Florida 32796 (ph 321 269-2299 or 800 407-8784; fax 321 747-0443; sales@barnlightelectric.com; www. barnlight electric.com).
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