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"Third Eye" Makes Hitching Easy
It's not cheap at $309, but if you hook up to a lot of trailers working by yourself, you'll love this "third eye" wireless video system.
  The color camera is magnetic so it's easy to put it in just the right spot. It sends the image to a handheld 2 1/2-in. LCD screen in the cab. The unit even reverses the image so you see as if you were looking at it. Pressing a button lets the viewer switch between reverse and normal images.
  The camera will automatically switch to infrared lights at night. It has an unobstructed transmission range of up to 300 ft. and a night vision range of 15 ft.
The camera is about 1 by 3 1/2 in. and weighs just 4 oz. The monitor is 3 by 1 1/2 by 5 in. and weighs less than 9 oz. The devices work in temperatures from 14 to122 degrees F.
The camera, with its 1/4-in. threaded mount, is rapidly being put to other uses. Chimney sweeps are mounting it on the ends of poles to inspect chimneys. Mechanics, electricians and plumbers are using it to inspect work and check for problems in tight, hard to see areas. Hunters are mounting the camera and using it to view for game where legal. RV and boat owners are using it for backing into tight areas or down ramps. RV owners and homeowners alike are finding it a handy way to keep an eye on anything that needs to be adjusted from another room or out of the line-of-sight.
The suggested retail price includes the camera, hand held monitor, charging cable and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Recharging the system takes about 2 1/2 hours for a four-hour working time.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, PLM Trading Co., 803 White Cedar Blvd., Portsmouth, N.H. 03801 (ph 603 319-4909; fax 603 319-4542; swifthitch@comcast.net; www.swifthitch.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1