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Magnet Light Sticks Anywhere
Sometimes you're working in an area that's so tight it's difficult to use a flashlight.
    That's why a North Carolina company came up with this golf ball-size magnetic LED light that mounts anywhere there is metal: on a breaker panel, near an engine or tire, under a sink. or on the back of an appliance that needs to be repaired. A dozen rare earth magnets allow the light to be positioned to light up in any direction. And as a bonus, the magnets can be used to pick up a metal screw or part that has fallen.
    Striker says it's a perfect tool for automotive technicians, electricians, plumbers and HVAC contractors, and, of course, do-it-yourself farmers.
    "It will stick to the fridge, making it the go-to flashlight for the whole family, and it's great to have on camping trips," the Striker website says. "The options are endless."
    The intensely bright, wide angle LED light is powered by three alkaline button cell batteries (included) and retails for right at $8.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Striker, 200 Overhill Drive, Suite C, Mooresville, N.C. 28117 (ph 704-658-9332, info@ striker1.com; www.strikerhandtools.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1