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Cheap Hay Feeder For Goats
Old feed bins can be converted into inexpensive, covered big round bale racks for goats that are easy to move around, says Emma Corbin, Live Oak, Florida.
  "We built it because we couldn't find a hay ring on the market that would keep goats off the hay," says Corbin. "The covered feeder keeps goats from climbing up on the bale and also keeps rain off. It can feed 25 goats."
  The tin roof consists of two bin sections and is supported by four steel posts, two on each side, with metal bases welded to the bottom of each post. Corbin drilled holes at 4-in. intervals in the posts, then bolted a metal bracket to each. The brackets are in turn bolted to the bottom edges of the tin.
  "The roof hangs about 10 inches over each side of the bale," says Corbin. "As the goats eat the bale down, we drop the bracket down a hole in each of the legs to keep weight on top of the bale. That way the goats can't knock the posts over," says Corbin. "The bale sets on a plastic pallet to keep it from rotting on the ground."
  To make room for a new bale, they use a front-end loader and chain to lift the posts. The bale sits on top of a pallet.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Emma L. Corbin, 16796 16th St., Live Oak, Florida 32060 (ph 386 842-2966; cell ph 386 364-8553).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1