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Turn Your Helmet Into A Brake Light
Over 3,000 motorcyclists are killed every year in America, many of them due to poor visibility. A new wireless light strip that attaches to the back of a helmet might help. It lights up when you brake.
  A replacement "transmitter" bulb takes the place of the regular brake light in the bike. When you brake, it sends a signal to the light.
  The "Riderlight" attaches with a strip of waterproof adhesive tape and is powered by a replacement lithium battery. It has six LED's and an emergency switch.
  The transmitter bulb fits any motorcycle or ATV. Sells for $99.95. Can also be attached to the back of the seat.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Technoscout, 1998 Ruffin Mill Rd., Colonial Heights, Va. 23834 (ph 800 399-7858; website: www.riderlight.net).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2