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Horse Cookie Treat Business Catches On
Back in 2007, Carrie Budde of Florissant, Mo., had a sudden inspiration to make some cookie treats for her horses. They loved them and she enjoyed making them so much that she started making extras for her friends, and they loved them, too.
  Then late in 2008, her friend Connie Smit told Carrie it was time to share her popular treats with other horse owners outside her stable.
  Connie has a background in marketing, so the two friends formed a partnership. Carrie applies her natural talents developing and making the homemade treats, and Connie uses her marketing skills to make the products available to anyone.
  The treats make great gifts. You can order from their website or by phone. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sweet Feed Crunchers, 3 McNulty Drive, Florissant, Mo. 63031 (ph 314 504-2358; sweetfeedcrunchers@sbcglobal.net; www.sweetfeedcrunchers.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3