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Adjustable-Height Welding Table
Kit Talbot is the CSI facilitator at Schulte Industries of Englefeld, Sask. He recently sent photos to FARM SHOW of a heavy-duty, adjustable welding table he and other employees made from scrap steel.
  "We needed a welding table that would be ergonomically friendly. Unfortunately, the ones on the market were either priced too high or were built too light," says Talbot.
  The welding table measures 36 by 48 in. and is designed with a U-shaped opening so the welder always has his work close to him. The top of the table is made from 3/8-in. steel plate, with "X" iron braces underneath for added strength. The legs and frame are made from 2-in. sq. tubing. The operator moves the table with a 10-in. implement hitch jack, lifting one end of the table. The legs on the other end are fitted with two 4-in. solid caster wheels. By using a hand-operated jack the table can be raised from 36 in. to 46 in. high.
  One side of the table has a small open grid made up of replaceable 1/4-in. thick metal straps. "The grid allows the operator to do cutting work without having to hang the object over the edge of the table," says Talbot. "The other side of the table is designed to support a homemade bench vise, which is held in place by inserting the base of the vise through a hole in the table and then tightening a bolt. There are also a series of holes for storing hammers and other tools.
  "I built it because I couldn't find anything suited to my needs at a reasonable price," says Talbot. "Some commercial models sell for up to $4,000. I used mostly dropoff material from our shop which kept the cost way down. I didn't use any blueprints - I just got a piece of paper and pen and started drawing it out on the floor."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kit Talbot, Schulte Industries, P.O. Box 70, Englefeld, Sask., Canada S0K 1N0 (ph 306 287-3715; ktalbot@Schulte.ca).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3