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Heavy Duty Shop "Elevator"
The loft storage area in Gene Boehler's shop is much more useable now that he can get there by elevator.
  The Farmersville, Ill., man operates a welding and repair service out of an old frame barn. He needed a way to take big parts and other items up to the hayloft for long term storage. His home-built elevator can lift up to 900 lbs. and rides up through an existing opening in the hayloft floor.
  Boehler made the elevator using an electric winch and scrap steel. The winch is operated by a remote control attached to a 10-ft. long cord. The winch winds a cable that raises or lowers a 3 by 4-ft. platform made from metal grating.
  A pair of pulleys give the elevator a 4 to 1 reduction on the cable lift, slowing it down and adding to its lifting ability. "It goes up at a nice, comfortable slow speed," says Boehler.
  The elevator cage is made from spare shelving material and is hoisted by a heavy cross-shaped frame welded to four angle iron guides, which are held together by cross members. The winch and pulleys are supported by a frame built up in the loft.
  "I've used it to haul everything from engines and transmissions to filing cabinets. I like it because I'm able to get a lot of stuff upstairs all by myself," says Boehler.
  "I bought the winch at Harbor Freight for $50 and paid about $100 for the pulleys. Everything else that I used I already had. "
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Boehler, 27299 Frontage Road, Farmersville, Ill. 62533 (ph 217 227-3220).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3