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Manure Mower Cleans Up Pasture
"It works better than a conventional harrow because it breaks up manure in pastures without clogging up," says Larry Wright, Hempstead, Texas, about his company's new "Manure Mower" that's designed to be pulled behind small tractors, ATV's, or skid loaders.
It's made from a series of heavy angle iron "buste
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Manure Mower Cleans Up Pasture MANURE HANDLING Equipment 33-4-4 "It works better than a conventional harrow because it breaks up manure in pastures without clogging up," says Larry Wright, Hempstead, Texas, about his company's new "Manure Mower" that's designed to be pulled behind small tractors, ATV's, or skid loaders.
It's made from a series of heavy angle iron "buster bars" that attach to a pair of chains and are spaced about 2 ft. apart. Each bar has a different design which results in a maximum amount of breakup and distribution as you drag it over the pasture.
"It's built heavy and is maintenance-free," says Wright. "I came up with the idea because I have a small cow calf operation and got tired of watching my drag harrow get clogged up with weeds, tree branches and leaves. I wanted something where I wouldn't always have to get off the tractor to take care of a problem."
The company offers three different models for tractors ranging from 20 to 90 hp. Prices start at $399.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wright Mfg., LLC, 40452 Kelley Road, Hempstead, Texas 77445 (ph 713 501-5356; lwright@;
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