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Rolling Corrugator Forms Mini Irrigation Furrows
"It's the first machine of its kind," says inventor Brad Kembel about his "Roll-AGator" that's designed to be used after planting to create small irrigation furrows through the crop.
"As far as I know it's the only rig ever built that uses a rolling drum to form the furrows," says Kembel. "Other units use shanks or paddles to create the furrows but the problem is that they either tear seed out of the ground or cover it up with soil. The rolling press wheels on my Roll-A-Gator crease the soil instead of tearing it up. Hydraulically-adjustable shank openers ahead of each wheel help maintain consistent fur-row depth. They also plow rocks out of the way."
The machine consists of a 16-in. dia. drum fitted with 4-in. wide steel "press wheels" spaced 18 in. apart. "The drum can be filled with water to add more weight. Filling the drum half full adds about 750 lbs. of weight. Furrow width depends on your ground speed but the furrows are generally about 4 in. wide at the top. Furrow depth depends on how deep you set the openers. The drum is raised or lowered by a pair of hydraulic cylinders on back. A separate set of cylinders is used to control depth of the openers. We can custom build rigs to any width or any press wheel spacing. We also offer a 3-pt. 15-ft. wide model equipped with an 18-in. dia. drum that has press wheels on 22-in. centers and also has markers and gauge wheels."
Prices range from $7,500 to $10,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kembel's Creative Welding and Fabrication, 2656 North 11th Road, Worden, Montana 59088 (ph 406 967-6822).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #3