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Simple Guide For Backing Trucks
As a guide for backing up his grain trucks to an unloading auger, Roger Gutschmidt of Gackle, N. Dak., uses an L-shaped (3 by 2-ft.) piece of steel pipe. He thought of an extra feature that makes it equally as useful when harvesting at night.
   "I drilled 5/8-in. dia. holes, 3 in. apart along the long side of the L. At night I stick a flashlight in the end of it as it lays on the ground," he says. "The light comes out the holes, illuminating the guide so it can be easily seen from the cab in the dark."
  Gutschmidt lays the L-shaped guide down on the ground behind the back truck tire after he has successfully backed the truck up the first time. It also acts like a tire block so the truck can't roll back as easily.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gutschmidt Manufacturing LLC, Roger Gutschmidt, 6651 Hwy. 56, Gackle, N. Dak. 58442 (ph 701 698-2310; shopdoc@drtel.

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #5