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Loader-Mounted "Snow Ridge Remover"
"Every time I cleaned snow from our driveway I kept building up a ridge of snow along both sides, and with the next wind the snow would fill in again. So I made a simple but effective ęsnow ridge remover' that bolts to the side of my loader bucket. It solves the problem by moving the ridge away from the edge of my driveway," says Eric Pederson, Englevale, N. Dak.
    His "snow ridge remover" consists of a 12-ft. long, 2 by 12 wood board that's bolted to a V-shaped metal frame and sets at a 30 degree angle to the bucket. The frame is bolted to the side of the loader bucket on Pederson's IH 656 tractor.
    "By controlling the height and tilt of the bucket I can do a good job of moving the ridge several feet out from the edge of the driveway," says Pederson. "It cost almost nothing to build using scrap parts. I have to remove the frame to use the loader for its normal purpose, but that isn't much of a job. The board is secured to the frame by four bolts, and the frame is secured to the bucket by four bolts.
    "I had thought about hinging the board at the front of the loader and using a hydraulic cylinder at the rear so I could adjust the angle of the board on-the-go, but the cost and complexity didn't seem worthwhile. It works well as it is."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eric Pederson, 6424 119 Ave. S.E., Fort Ransom, N. Dak. 58033 (ph 701 973-2000 or 701 840-2803; epederson@drtel.net)

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #1