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Tree Shear For Skid Steers
The Lyon Cub Tree Shear is a low-maintenance tree cutter for skid steer loaders that works fast to clear small trees.

Designer Jay Lyon and manufacturer Gene Schendt of G T Metal in Lawrence, Neb., have received rave reviews from people who've tried the new tree shear.

"We have copyrighted this design and applied for a patent," Lyon points out. "Everybody who's seen it work is amazed at how simple it is, how well it works, and how fast it is. It's perfect for removing small trees along fence lines or clearing second growth cedars out of pastures. Once you have the larger trees cleared out, it's a great maintenance tool for future growth."

The quick-tach tool works best on 3 to 4-in. dia. trees. The partners say they have successfully cut 6-in. dia. trees, but conditions have to be just right.

According to the pair, the unit consists of two well-braced 19-in. dia. blades made of heavy, high carbon steel. To make them, they modified new rolling cutters off a V-plow and added a good bearing with a center support. You don't have to take the center support out to change the blades, as it's just there to protect the bearings and hub, they point out.

The blades can be easily removed using 5 lug bolts, and they are reinforced on both sides with mild steel discs that bolt to the hub to take the flex out of them.

"Another selling point is that we probably have it over-built. So far, I have not been able to wreck it," Lyon says. "I have ran over 3,500 acres, taking out 5,000 to 7,000 trees. It's a piece of equipment that you can use for years and years."

"You don't need to go very fast," Schendt says. "At least a foot ahead of the tree, you roll your bucket control down with a nice fluid movement, just before you contact the tree. You need to be able to see the blades to operate it and, like anything, there's a small learning curve involved in running it."

The blades penetrate the surface of the ground and cut a small V into the soil, but they don't create a big disruption. It leaves a smooth stump, either ground level or below, depending on operator's skill.

"With real little trees, you can just go through and cut them like you would with a lawn mower, but with other larger ones, you remove them individually and just back up and move to the next tree," Schendt says.

You don't ever need to sharpen the blades, however they will eventually wear down and can become chipped from working in rocky areas, so you just replace the whole blade, Lyon points out.

"We used off-the-shelf bearings that can be purchased anywhere, and we'll supply our customers with replacement blades."

Retail price for the unit is $3,200 plus shipping, and the partners are currently accepting dealers applications.

Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, G T Metal, Box 187, Lawrence, Neb. 68957 (ph 402 756-7835 or 402 469-2157 (cell), 402 469-2085 (Jay); gtmetal@gtmc.net).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #1