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"Balloon" Stops Fireplace Leakage
The new Chimney Balloon is designed to keep heat from escaping up a chimney during cold weather and seals in cool air during the summer.
  The reusable Chimney Balloon is made from a specially engineered 3-ply poly membrane. According to the company, the balloon is resistant to the abrasive environment of a chimney, but is also flexible enough to efficiently seal crevices in brick flues.
  The balloon is installed by inserting the bag into the chimney flue, just above the damper, and inflating the bag through a detachable inflation tube until the edges are securely sealed against all sides of the flue. You can deflate the balloon (and re-inflate it) any time you want to use the fireplace. If you forget about the balloon and light a fire, the balloon quickly deflates.
  Chimney Balloons are available in more than 70 sizes to work in any chimney. Prices start at $42.99 plus S&H. A rechargeable pump is available and sells for $31.99 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chimney Balloon LLC, 2123 N. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, Wis. 53545 (ph 608 467-0229; fax 206 984-4611; www.chimneyballoon.us/energy.html).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #1