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Robocrop In-Row Weeder
German farmers crowded around this robotic in-row weeder that cultivates weeds between rows and also "in" the row.
  Garford Farm Machinery in England says the individual row units can be mounted in any row spacing on a toolbar, with a minimum of 80 hp required for a 6-ft. 4-row unit and 150 hp for a 18-ft. 12-row unit. Cameras on each row unit send signals to machine hydraulics to rotate the semi-circular tillage shovel in between plants in the row.
  Speed depends on field conditions and the spacing between plants in the row. In general, the company says it'll weed 2 plants per second per row. There must be clear separation between plants in the row for the system to work effectively.
  Contact: Garford Farm Machinery (ph 011 44 1778 342642; www.garford.com).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #1