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French-Built 4WD, 450-HP Tractor
When you think of big tractors, you don't usually think of France. But this big BIMA tractor, built by BH Industrie in Velye, France, has power (400 hp) to match any-thing produced in the U.S. or Canada.
What's more, it's got a unique front-mount cab, front and rear 3-pt. and pto, hydrostatic transmission, and articulated steering with a unique pivot mechanism that allows both the front and rear ends of the tractor to swivel horizontally.
Power comes from a turbo-charged Cummins 6-cyl. in-line engine. The hydrostatic transmission consists of four separate Sauer pumps that supply oil to Poclain motors mounted on each wheel. Each pump and motor work independently but a sensor monitors wheelslip. If detected, oil flow to that wheel is automatically shut off but in-creased to the others. A single joystick controls the transmission. You simply push it ahead to go forward and back for reverse. Speed ranges from 0 to 18 mph.
BH Industrie makes models ranging from 290 to 450 hp. The steering joint is located 1/4 of the way back from the front of the tractor but weight distribution is equal on all four wheels. Both front and rear pto's have a choice of 1,000 or 2,100 rpm's.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, BH Industrie, 67 Rue Principale, 51130 Velye, France (ph 33 26664127). (Top Cultures)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3