2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10, Page #60
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Rock Kits For Case IH Combines
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"It's the most efficient rock beater on the market today, letting more crop material through and allowing you to harvest faster while relieving stress on the rotor and the rest of the machine," says Carl Vogt, CATO Co., Chokio, Minn.
The new rock beater has a spiral shape which ensures that 70 percent of the opening in the beater is always open so the crop can flow smoothly into the rotor, virtually eliminating back feeding.
"The factory rock beaters on Case IH 60, 80, and the new 88 series combines all have a straight design which reduces how much time the opening in the beater stays open. It's like the difference between a door that opens and shuts all the time, and a revolving door that's continuously open. Our beater opens up the feeding area so you can get more crop material into the rotor and still have good rock protection," says Vogt.
"These combines were originally designed in the 1980's when most farmers were using 20-ft. headers. At that time farmers were more concerned with rocks causing damage to the rotor than with feeding the crop through. However, as farmers started using wider headers, the additional crop material started causing bottlenecks at the rock trap. Our rock beater ensures the rock trap isn't the limiting factor in the combine anymore. A lot of farmers have told us they can go 1/2 to 1 mph faster, and start 1 to 2 hrs. earlier in the morning and never have to reverse the feederhouse."
Bolt-on "shark" teeth can be added to increase the feeding ability in extremely green viney crops. A smooth wearing edge is also available.
Sells for $1,075 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CATO Co. LLC, 25494 640th Ave., Chokio, Minn. 56221 (ph 320 760-2942 (Carl); 701 640-3394 (Tom).
Email: info08@razorrockbeaters.com; Website: www.razorrockbeaters.com).

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