2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10, Page #101
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Arm Chaps Protect "Working Limbs"
When Rick Redman made his first pair of Arm Chaps, it was to protect his arms from cold air blowing up his shirt sleeves when riding his motorcycle. He had no idea that his forearm protectors would catch on with workers in a variety of occupations and help others with medical problems.
  "Basically they're form-fitting leather arm protectors that are very comfortable to wear," says Redman of River Falls, Wis.
"They're designed to prevent the cuts, scratches, bruising and burns that occur in many daily activities/occupations, all while allowing total finger movement. They have zippers that run from the wrist bone up the forearm to allow you to adjust the amount of warmth and ventilation to the forearms." In addition they allow wrist support in a unique way without putting pressure on the wrist.
  Farmers and ranchers use it for a variety of jobs including: stringing barbed wire, handling hay bales, cutting brush, working with thorny plants, working with livestock and poultry, sandblasting, welding, fabrication projects and working on hot engines or exhaust systems.
  Redman didn't realize Arm Chaps' medical potential until he put them on the market.
  "Many people are now taking blood thinning medications, these people are now bruising very easily from simply bumping into things," Redman says.
  Others wear them for sun or allergy sensitivities or for extra wrist support or warmth for poor circulation.
  "Arm Chaps are unique in that they're anchored by the thumb and don't move around on your arm," Redman adds. They're made of a breathable leather that Redman says he wears in 90 plus degrees without getting too hot.
  Arm Chaps sell for $36.95 and come in eight sizes from children's to large adults. Besides standard black leather, Arm Chaps will be available in these colors: tan, brown and safety orange for hunters and Tree Service people, Loggers, and other safety oriented situations. Another option is a non-metal zipper for Power Line workers.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Redman, VanStarr Enterprises, LLC, P.O. Box 471, River Falls, Wis. 54022 (ph 651 492-4830; rick@armchaps.com; www.armchaps.com).

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2010 - Volume #BFS, Issue #10