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Spiral Separates Corn From Soybeans
Got a binfull of soybeans that's laced with a lot of volunteer corn kernels?
Best and probably the only way we know to get corn out, short of custom-cleaning, is with a spiral separator. "It's the only successful separator for separating corn from soybeans," says a spokesman for Cleland International, Rogers, Minn., a leading manufacturer of spiral type separators. "Our unit is designed to separate anything round (such as soybeans) from anything not round (such as corn kernels)," the manufacturer points out. "It will separate corn from soybeans at the rate of 50 bu. per hour and sells for $525."
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cleland International, 22301 Industrial Boulevard, Box 8, Rogers, Minn. 55375 (ph 612 428-4138).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #1