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Turn Your Pickup Into A Tractor
Triple C Mfg., Sabetha, Kan., uses a four step process to turn pickups into tractors:
Step I: Remove the regular bed, replacing it with a flatbed Hydra-Bed to pick up, haul and unroll big round hay or silage bales.
Step 2: Add hydraulics to power the synchronized arms built into the Hydra-Bed. They come together and spread apart simultaneously, and lower completely to the ground. Right from the seat you can load and haul two big bales (up to 2,500 lbs. each). The hydraulic under-the-hood pump (11 gpm) is belt-driven off the pickup's engine. An integral 5-gal. capacity oil reservoir is locaated behind the cab.
Step 3: Add a rear-mounted pto, using the hydraulic system to power a high torque 200 rpm unit, a 540 rpm unit, or both.
Step 4: Add a heavy duty hitch for towing heavy equipment. It, plus the add-on hydraulics, allows you to tow and fold the wings on wide equipment for road travel. The hydraulic system can also be used to power an optional post hole digger which hangs on the end of the right or left big bale lift arm.
Prices, including installation, are $5,370 for the Hydra-Bed and hydraulic system, $330 for the pto, and $787 for the posthole digger, not including an auger.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Triple C Mfg., Rt. 4, Sabetha, Kan. 66534 (ph 913 284-3674).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6