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New Paint Method Lasts A Lifetime
A Midwest painting specialist has come up with a new paint method that he says will "last a lifetime".
For the past 15 years, Jim Deardorff, Hale, Mo., has specialized in painting ag fertilizer equipment, storage tanks, oil pipe-lines and heavy-duty trucks and trailers. "It's tough to do a good job painting big
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New paint method lasts a lifetime FARM SHOP Painting 16-5-4 A Midwest painting specialist has come up with a new paint method that he says will "last a lifetime".
For the past 15 years, Jim Deardorff, Hale, Mo., has specialized in painting ag fertilizer equipment, storage tanks, oil pipe-lines and heavy-duty trucks and trailers. "It's tough to do a good job painting big farm equipment and even tougher to keep the paint job intact once the equipment goes back to work. I wanted a foolproof way to do a perfect job the rust time and that would make it easy to keep the paint job in good repair."
Key to success of Deardorff's "Lifetime Coating System" is his specially-developed UV sensitive primer which contains a newly developed corrosion inhibitor from Ciba-Geigy. After sandblasting to remove all former paint, rust and corrosion, he covers the bare metal with his UV reflective primer and then checks the job with a high intensity black light to make sure of total coverage (missed areas will show up tar-black in sharp contrast to the intense blue-white appearance of the UV coating). The light can project a beam of ultraviolet light up to 100 ft. although it works best at a distance of 5to25ft.
Next he applies finish coats of industrial epoxies and polyurethanes (for some low-wear applications, he uses enamel paints). "The biggest advantage of the system is that once in place, you can periodically check the equipment with a UV light to spot any areas where the outer layers are wearing through. Lets you touch up problem areas before rust can get started," says Deardorff.
He's applied for a patent on his new method. "Millions of dollars are wasted every year on mis-application of good paints. We're proud to offer this new method to the industry," says Deardorff, who plans to continue painting equipment throughout the Midwest and also to license his new methods to other contractors and equipment dealers. He's negotiating with an off-shore drilling company in England interested in the process and may contract to paint pipe-lines in Alaska.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Deardorff, Superior Coatings Co., Box 317, Hwy 65 South, Chillicothe, Mo. 64601 (ph 816 646-6355 or 3104).
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