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Hand-Held Tree Planter
You can plant a lot of tree seedlings in a short amount of time with this `new hand-- held tree planter.
Designed and manufactured in Australia, the 21/2-in. dia. hand planter has a hinged jaw on bottom that's pointed when closed. You push it into the ground with a side-mounted foot pad and then drop a seedling into the top of the tube. Then you just pull on the handle that opens the jaw, dropping the seedling into the ground. As you pull the planter out, dirt settles around the plant.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Peter Nunn, Nufab, P.O. Box 171, 28 Moore Rd., Dongara W.A. 6525 Australia (ph 099 27 1297; fax 61-99 271697).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3