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Ring Harrow
Latest new harrow design is this "ring harrow", a series of metal rings held together by short lengths of chain.
Inventor Georg Schweiger says the harrow works especially well in badly clodded soil. The first row of 9-in. dia. rings on the harrow is fitted with cutter teeth that tear through the biggest clods and dig them out for smoothing by the following rings. Clods pass under and through the heavy metal rings which work back and forth as they move through the field. The harrow folds up behind tractor for transport.
The ring harrow's available in widths from 7 to 13 ft. with rings ranging in price from about $650 to $1,100.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Georg Schweiger, Landwirtschaftliche Gerate, Post Glonn, 8019 Baiern-Geuerreit, West Germany, (ph 0 8065 208).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1