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Uni System 60 Ft Sprayer
Kentucky farmer Tony Berry says mounting a spray boom and tank on his New Idea Uni-System power unit was a relatively easy conversion that lets him get more use out of the expensive machine.
"I had been operating both a combine and chopper off this Uni-System power unit for several years but I wasn't happy with the combine so I sold it and used only the chopper unit. That means I was only using the machine for about 3 weeks a year while chopping corn silage. I decided to try to find another use for the power unit.
"I found an old Uni-System toolbar carrier on a dealer's lot and mounted it on the front of the power unit. Then I mounted a 500 gal. tank and cradle, taken from my trailer sprayer, on the side of the power unit and fitted a 60-ft. Blumhardt sprayer boom to the front toolbar holder.
"I changed the 18.4 by 24 front tires to narrow 12.4 by 38 tires and made the back axle wider so the back wheels would track the front wheels. The new axle was made out of 4 by 6-in. tubing. I also fitted the boom with a foam marker and I use a Micro Trak 3000 sprayer monitor.
"Because all New Idea power units have variable speed hydraulic pumps to run the wagon elevator on the picker unit, I was able to use a hydraulic spray pump. This lets me use a lever already in the cab to turn the pump on and off and change speed to control pressure.
"When I put my chopper unit back on I just leave the wide back axle in place and slide the chopper on from the side by re-moving the right wheel.
"I have been very satisfied with the performance of the sprayer. I experienced few problems and the only modifications required were to make narrow rims for the front tires and modifying the back axle."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Tony Berry, 1465 Daysville-Allensville Rd., Olmstead, Kent. 42265 (ph 502 265-5759).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #3