1982 - Volume #6, Issue #5, Page #24
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Add-On Transmission Doubles Pickup Mileage
Wesley Coats doubled the gas mileage of his 1975 Chevy pickup by connecting a 3-speed transmission to the existing transmission of his truck, creating three overdrive speeds that "take the pressure off" his engine."My pickup now gets double the gas mileage and it only cost me $50 to do it," says Coats of Boise City, Okla., noting that the idea should work on any farm pickup. Here's how he did it:
First, he found a used 3-speed transmission. Any make will do, and you can even use a 4-speed, although it will be harder to adapt. The second step was to turn the three-speed around and bolt it backwards to the transmission on his existing truck.
Third, he connected the two transmissions by a shaft and cut the existing truck driveshaft, refastening it to the now-attached 3-speed.
The 3-speed shifts normally from the cab, except that the gears are in the reverse position because it is installed backwards. Third gear is first gear, and so on.
"The 3-speed overrides the existing transmission. Third gear is not noticeable but second gear acts as an overdrive and first gear is a super overdrive in any gear," Coats explains.
He says the idea has worked without a hitch on his automatic 350 cu. in. Chevy pickup and will work on either manual or automatic transmissions. His truck, which never got much above 10 mph, now gets 20 mph.
"I spent $50 to do the conversion but I already had an old 3-speed transmission to use that didn't cost me anything. After figuring out how to attach the two transmissions, I had to get used to driving the pickup this way. But, after several months, we think the idea works just fine."
Coats says he and his father, who originally had the idea for the dual transmission, would be willing to talk to FARM SHOW readers by phone about converting their own trucks. Contact: Wesley Coats, Boise City, Okl.
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