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Sanding Blocks Made Of Solid Grit
"Unlike sandpaper, they'll never run out of sanding power," says Dolores Richardson, Klingspor Abrasives, Hickory, N.C. about new Sandflex sanding blocks.
  The rubberized abrasive blocks contain silicon carbide grit all the way through. Each block measures 3 in. long by 2 in. wide by 5/8 in. thick. There are 3 different grades. You just use it like a rubber eraser.
  "As the block wears down it won't dull or lose its scrubbing power because you're always exposing more grit," says Richardson.
  Sandflex blocks can be used in water or oil. "They're not as abrasive when wet so they work great to clean stainless steel sinks, or to clean the bottoms of pots and pans. It'll work on anything with rust or tarnish including scissors and barbeque grills," says Richardson.
  Sandflex blocks, either fine, medium or coarse, sell for $3.95 apiece plus S&H. A 3-pack of 1 fine, 1 medium, and 1 coarse sells for $9.95 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Klingspor Abrasives, P.O. Box 2367, Hickory, N.C. 28603 (ph 800 726-3359; drichardson@klingspor.com).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #4