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Corn Crib Laying House
John Eilers, Pana, Ill., removed the top 6 ft. of an old wire ear corn crib and turned it into a nifty laying house for some 40 breed hens.
  Eilers keeps the hens enclosed until about 4 p.m. each day, and then lets them run until they come home to roost. During the summer, he keeps a wide metal band in place around the base of the crib. In winter, he closes the upper portion with plastic and uses a heat bulb to keep the water thawed all the time.
  He gets eggs all year long and sells some to neighbors when he has too many. During corn harvest, the chickens can be found out in a nearby corn field gleaning leftovers.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Eilers, 2095 E. 350 N., Pana, Ill. 62557 (ph 217 562-4021).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #6