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Tractor Tiler With Laser Control
"It automatically sets the machine at the correct depth, maintains grade, and counts the feet of tile installed," says Mike Schweiss, manufacturer of the first tractor-tiler equipped with its own built-in laser control system. The laser control is comparable to systems used on commercial tilers.
The Schweiss tiler is designed to be pulled by a pair of 160-hp. tractors or one large 4-WD. It's got a deep-ripping tooth that'll lay 3, 4, 5, or 6-in. plastic tile as deep as 5 ft. The 3-pt. mounted tiler is controlled by parallel linkage that keeps the plow level in the ground. Depth is controlled by two hydraulic cylinders.
"Owning your own tractor tiler lets you lay tile whenever you've got spare time. It'll pay for itself by letting you thoroughly drain wet areas," says Schweiss, noting that the tiler will lay 10,000 to 20,000 ft. of tile per day under good conditions.
The tiler can be fitted with a manual grade control that lets the operator maintain grade by a simple measuring system. Or it can be fitted with the automatic laser control system which fits on top of the tiler and hooks into the hydraulic system. The laser receiver on the tiler "sights" off a laser beam set up on a stand in the middle of the field.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schweiss Tile Plows, Fairfax, Minn. 55332 (ph 507 426-8273).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #2