Horse Survives After Being Impaled By Stick
"We call her the stick horse. We didn't think she could possibly survive, but she did," says Mel Towell, who recently sent FARM SHOW photos of a horse impaled by a long wooden stick. Towel] was able to pull the stick out after the horse was tranquilized. Within four weeks, the horse was back to normal.
Towell's fiancee, Marcia Hillard, is a veterinarian. She called him early one morning asking him to help her with a client's horse.
"The horse was in a pasture coming up a path to get feed when it happened," says Towell. "A beaver had sharpened and de-barked the stick, and evidently the horse stepped on one end of it with her front foot. Her forward movement caused the stick to go up through her underside, near her milk bag, and out the top of her hip. She was able to walk only about 10 ft. before she had to stop because of the pain.
"I tried pulling the stick out from the top, but the horse clamped down with her muscles so hard that the stick wouldn't budge. So I cut off part of the stick next to the stomach and Marcia tranquilized the horse and laid her down on her side. Once the horse was asleep I pulled the stick out from the bottom. It came out easily. After the horse woke up and was standing up again, Marcia poured lotion into the wound on the hip. The liquid medicine ran right out the bottom of the wound. Marcia also gave the horse a Tetanus shot and medication to keep her quiet. Every day after that the horse's owner dressed the wound with anti-septic lotion and also put medication in her feed. Now you can hardly see any sign of the injury - just a spot on top of her hip about as big as the end of your finger where the hair didn't grow back.
"Marcia said she had pulled a lot of sticks out of horses in the past, but never one like this that went all the way through."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mel Towell, 1097 Hwy. 93, Pocahontas, Ark. 72455 (ph 501892-9465).
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Horse Survives After Being Impaled By Stick AG WORLD Ag World 19-2-19 "We call her the stick horse. We didn't think she could possibly survive, but she did," says Mel Towell, who recently sent FARM SHOW photos of a horse impaled by a long wooden stick. Towel] was able to pull the stick out after the horse was tranquilized. Within four weeks, the horse was back to normal.
Towell's fiancee, Marcia Hillard, is a veterinarian. She called him early one morning asking him to help her with a client's horse.
"The horse was in a pasture coming up a path to get feed when it happened," says Towell. "A beaver had sharpened and de-barked the stick, and evidently the horse stepped on one end of it with her front foot. Her forward movement caused the stick to go up through her underside, near her milk bag, and out the top of her hip. She was able to walk only about 10 ft. before she had to stop because of the pain.
"I tried pulling the stick out from the top, but the horse clamped down with her muscles so hard that the stick wouldn't budge. So I cut off part of the stick next to the stomach and Marcia tranquilized the horse and laid her down on her side. Once the horse was asleep I pulled the stick out from the bottom. It came out easily. After the horse woke up and was standing up again, Marcia poured lotion into the wound on the hip. The liquid medicine ran right out the bottom of the wound. Marcia also gave the horse a Tetanus shot and medication to keep her quiet. Every day after that the horse's owner dressed the wound with anti-septic lotion and also put medication in her feed. Now you can hardly see any sign of the injury - just a spot on top of her hip about as big as the end of your finger where the hair didn't grow back.
"Marcia said she had pulled a lot of sticks out of horses in the past, but never one like this that went all the way through."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mel Towell, 1097 Hwy. 93, Pocahontas, Ark. 72455 (ph 501892-9465).
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