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3-Pt. Bale Feeder Powered By Bale Spear Hydraulics
This clever new bale feeder consists of two parts - a bale unroller table that feeds hay out to livestock and a set of 3-pt. bale spears that carry the bale unroller around and also provide the hydraulics to power it.
The frame of the bale spears is fitted with a hydraulic-driven jaw coupler that automatically engages a drive coupler on the unroller when the spears slide into the unroller.
To feed a bale, you use the spears to load a bale onto the bale table and then just back the twin spears into the frame to engage the hydraulic drive.
The top rotor travels at three times the speed of the bottom rotor, fluffing hay as it feeds out. The amount of hay fed is controlled by raising and lowering the tray side spear, tipping the bale into the rotors.
Tubeline now makes two 3-pt. bale feeders using the coupler and hydraulic drive. The BF5000 3PH is a chainless style. Hydraulics drive the feeding rotors. The amount of hay fed out is controlled by rotor speed.
Tubeline is introducing a chain-driven unroller this spring. "The chainless unroller is simple with few moving parts," notes Paul Horst, Tubeline Mfg. "However, it doesn't work as well with weathered bales. The chain drive will feed out hay regardless of bale condition."
The chainless version sells for $11,990 (Canadian). The chain-drive BF5600 will sell for $10,490 (Canadian). A front-end loader mount is available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tubeline Manufacturing, Inc., 3928 Steffler Road, RR no. 4, Elmira, Ontario, Canada N3B 2Z3 (ph 519 664-0488; toll free 888 856-6613; sales@tubeline.ca; www.tubeline.ca).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #2