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Horse-Drawn Planters Fitted With Deere Row Units
Amos Stoltzfus and his son, Toby, make corn planters with old-fashioned simplicity yet tweaked for modern planting precision. The 2 and 3-row planters have steel wheels, a seat, doubletree hitch, and manual control levers. The Stoltzfus' fitted their toolbar with Deere 7000 Max Emerge row units, which use a finger pickup seed metering system for accurate depth and spacing.
  Stoltzfus discovered a similar planter made by Nickel Mine Welding more than a decade ago. He especially liked the 3-row planter because it plants corn between and outside horse tracks. When he quit farming and found out the company no longer made the planters, Stoltzfus asked for permission to make his version of the planters as part of his Millwood Machinery business. Orders have been picking up since he started selling them a few years ago.
  The 2-row planter sells for $3,100, and the 3-row for $3,750. Fertilizer boxes are also available. Planters are shipped fully assembled.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Millwood Machinery, 36845 Millwood Ln., Mechanicsville, Md. 20659.

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #2