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ATV Loading Ramps Fit Into Receiver Hitch
Anyone who needs to haul an ATV, garden tractor or other small vehicle in the back of a pickup will like this new loading rack that’s said to be safer than anything on the market.
    The 48-in. wide TralRack is designed to extend the bed of a short bed or full-size pickup – with a toolbox on – while still allowing you to tow a trailer. It makes use of the pickup’s receiver hitch and comes with a receiver hitch extension, T-bar, a pair of diamond plate steel “wheel ramps”, and a pair of brackets that bolt onto 2 by 8-in. boards (not included) to form loading ramps. No drilling is required.
    To install the system, you remove the pickup’s tailgate and existing trailer hitch and ball and attach the receiver hitch extension. Then attach the T-bar, set the wheel ramps over the T-bar so they rest on the pickup bed, and drop the loading ramp brackets into metal hooks on back of the T-bar. You’re ready to load. Off-the-shelf straps can be used to tie the vehicle down.
    “It’s a real handy setup and provides a safe way to load a vehicle onto your pickup,” says Judy Grosskopf, Redgranite, Wis. “The ATV’s rear wheels are held securely in wheel pans molded into the wheel ramps. Some other ramps on the market just lay on the tailgate and can slide off as you drive onto them. In fact, my husband came up with the idea when he tried to drive his ATV up onto a pickup and one of the ramps kicked out. The ATV ended up sideways on the ground, but luckily he didn’t get hurt.
    “Another problem with other systems is the loading pressure caused by laying ramps on the tailgate can break the cables that hold the tailgate and bend it downward, causing severe damage. That can’t happen with our system.”
    The T-bar comes with a built-in receiver hitch for towing a trailer or installing a cargo carrier. “There’s room behind the ATV to pull a small utility trailer or your boat or camper,” says Judy.
    The TralRack weighs 98 lbs. It isn’t designed for the longer UTV’s except the 50-in. wide Polaris RZR Razor, which has a slightly narrower wheel width than most other utility vehicles.
    Sells for $489.99 plus $75 S&H.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ironman Equipment Racks, W3903 Beechnut Lane, Redgranite, Wis. 54970 (ph 920 566-4484; jggrosskopf@CenturyTel.net; www.ironmanequipmentracks.com).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #5