3-In-1-Pto-Driven Rock Picker
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"It does three jobs at once. Makes rock picking a one-man operation," says Tom Riley, Walkerton, Ontario, about the ptodriven rock picker he built that's de-signed to rake and windrow rocks, shake dirt off them inside a rotating screened cylinder, and hydraulically dump them into a truck.
The 71/2-ton rock picker is 31 ft. long and consists of a 22-ft wide "double rake" windrower in front followed by a 6-ft. long, 6-ft. dia. rotating cylinder with a 11/4-yard bin mounted behind it that lifts up to 8 1/2 ft high to dump.
The rock windrower consists of two wings with a 16-in. opening at center that funnels rocks into the trailing rotating screen, which has a 2-ft. wide rock-loading pickup mounted on front. Rocks work their way backward inside the cylinder as dirt is shaken off and then are dumped by 12-in. wide paddles at the back of the cylinder into the rear rock bin.
"It lets one man load 15 cu. yards of rocks in an hour," says Riley . "I modeled the windrower and rock picker after commercial pull-type units I had been using. In the past it took three people to pick up rocks - one to operate the windrower, one to operate the rock picker, and one to haul rocks away.
"I pull it with a Deere 3140 4-WD tractor and it gives the tractor all it can handle. The rock screen was built to specifications for me by a local gravel mining company. The screen breaks up dirt lumps and lets me run deeper in the ground to get more rocks. Dirt falls through the screen and drops onto the ground.
"The windrower, header, and rotating screen are pto-driven with gearboxes and chains, but the bin lifts and dumps hydraulically. The windrower folds up to a 9-ft width. To fold it, I disconnect the pto shafts and use cables attached to hydraulic cylinders to lift both wings of the windrower straight up."
Contact:FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Riley, Rt. 4, Walkerton, Ontario, Canada N0G 2V0 (ph 519 881-1452).
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3-In-1-Pto-Driven Rock Picker POWER TAKE OFFS (PTO'S) Power Take Offs (PTO's) 18-1-9 "It does three jobs at once. Makes rock picking a one-man operation," says Tom Riley, Walkerton, Ontario, about the ptodriven rock picker he built that's de-signed to rake and windrow rocks, shake dirt off them inside a rotating screened cylinder, and hydraulically dump them into a truck.
The 71/2-ton rock picker is 31 ft. long and consists of a 22-ft wide "double rake" windrower in front followed by a 6-ft. long, 6-ft. dia. rotating cylinder with a 11/4-yard bin mounted behind it that lifts up to 8 1/2 ft high to dump.
The rock windrower consists of two wings with a 16-in. opening at center that funnels rocks into the trailing rotating screen, which has a 2-ft. wide rock-loading pickup mounted on front. Rocks work their way backward inside the cylinder as dirt is shaken off and then are dumped by 12-in. wide paddles at the back of the cylinder into the rear rock bin.
"It lets one man load 15 cu. yards of rocks in an hour," says Riley . "I modeled the windrower and rock picker after commercial pull-type units I had been using. In the past it took three people to pick up rocks - one to operate the windrower, one to operate the rock picker, and one to haul rocks away.
"I pull it with a Deere 3140 4-WD tractor and it gives the tractor all it can handle. The rock screen was built to specifications for me by a local gravel mining company. The screen breaks up dirt lumps and lets me run deeper in the ground to get more rocks. Dirt falls through the screen and drops onto the ground.
"The windrower, header, and rotating screen are pto-driven with gearboxes and chains, but the bin lifts and dumps hydraulically. The windrower folds up to a 9-ft width. To fold it, I disconnect the pto shafts and use cables attached to hydraulic cylinders to lift both wings of the windrower straight up."
Contact:FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Riley, Rt. 4, Walkerton, Ontario, Canada NOG 2V0 (ph 519 881-1452).
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