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Foodball Keeps Hogs Happier
Scottish researchers are excited about their new "Foodball" that lets hogs root around normally for their food rather than simply going to an open feeder and getting what-ever they want.
Developed at the Scottish Agriculture College in Edinburgh, Scotland, the Foodball is 54 in. in dia. and covered with knobs on the outer surface that keeps most of the ball clear of the pen floor. As hogs push it around the pen with their snouts, small amounts of feed are released randomly by a metering device inside the ball, which holds a total of about 13 lbs. of feed.
The developers say the effort needed to release food from the ball mimics the way animals find food in the wild and it gives animals exercise and helps reduce bore-dom. By adjusting the metering device inside the ball, you can keep hogs active all day yet still control feed consumption. What's more, when used with hogs kept outside, the Foodball is said to reduce rooting damage in fields by as much as 60 percent.
Smaller Foodballs are also being developed for dogs as well as for other animals. Animal welfare advocates reportedly love the idea.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, Scotland.

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2