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Many Uses For New Auto-Pod
You won't believe the many things you can do with Auto-Pod, a new "under the hood" device that gives you 120 volts from the vehicle's 12 volt battery.
With S & W Industries' new AutoPod III mounted under your car or truck hood, you can draw up to 3750 watts of 120 volt power from the vehicle's 12 volt battery - enough to operate an electric saw, drill or other power tools, or up to 7 500 watt light bulbs. You can also use the Auto-Pod to charge a 12 volt battery to 80% in 5 minutes, or for a wide variety of arc welding jobs.
The device uses DC power and will not operate an AC motor or a device having a transformer. It will, however; operate any power tool having a universal brush motor. The entire function is automatic, which means the unit is not engaged until the
switch is thrown on whatever appliance is being operated. It features an automatic throttle adjustment that controls the motor's output by increasing the vehicle's engine speed when extra power is needed. When you turn off the tool, engine speed drops back to idling speed.
The manufacturer guarantees up to 20 min. of continuous operation without damage to the Auto-Pod III. The unit is 81/4 in, wide, 3 in. deep and 3 in. high. It weighs 61bs6 and is made from rust-proofed 18 ga. steel.
The device sells for $219.95. Welding and battery charge cables are optional.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Key Associates, Box 32496, Oklahoma City, Okl. 73123 (ph. 405-722-4102)

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #6