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Battery Operated Instant Heat Branding Iron
"It'll even brand hogs," says Arthur Yarrington, Australian inventor of a new "instant heat" battery-powered branding iron.
The 12-volt powered iron heats up instantly when triggered by a thumb-operated switch. Yarrington says that because it uses no radiant heat and only burns the hide and not the flesh of the animal, it can be successfully used on hogs.
"Because the head of the brander heats up much more evenly than an iron heated up in a firebox, you get a cleaner and easier to read brand. You can also make the brand more complex because it'll mark better," says Yarrington noting that unlike conventional branding irons, only the branding head of the iron gets hot so there's less chance the operator will get burned.
The iron runs off the battery in a pickup or tractor or, for small bunches of cattle, you can haul a 12-volt battery out on a motorcycle or 3-wheeler.
The fast-heating head is made from a high-temperature nickle chrome alloy. Heads are interchangeable.
Yarrington is looking for a manufacturer or distributor in the U.S. or Canada.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arthur Yarrington, A.G.Y. Inventions, M.S. 1073 Crow's Nest, 4355 Queensland, Australia.

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #6