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"Roaster Lid" Bird Feeder
John Dietzman, Delavan, Wis., made a low-cost bird feeder out of an aluminum roaster lid and some 1 by 3 wooden boards.
  The feeder hangs from a tree about 20 ft. from the deck behind Dietzman’s house. The 1-ft. dia. aluminum lid is suspended by a coat hanger from a tree limb. The feeder itself is suspended from the lid by a pair of light chains. Dietzman made the feeder by gluing three 1 by 3 boards together, and then drilling a pair of 1 1/4-in. dia., 2-in. deep holes for the bird feed.
  “The lid keeps rain off the feed and also helps keep squirrels off. I found that rain tends to dissolve the glue between the boards so now I use screws instead,” says Dietzman.
  “My wife and I work with handicapped kids through a local Awana church group, and over the years I’ve made more than 50 kits so kids can put together their own bird houses and bird feeders.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Dietzman, W7955 Creek Road #626, Delavan, Wis. 53115 (ph 262 903-6474).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #1