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Portable Air Compressor
“It’s easy to tow around to anywhere on the farm,” says Shane Myrick, Pleasanton, Kan., who mounted a 10 hp gas-powered air compressor on the front axle and frame of an old Snapper riding mower. He pulls the unit using a long metal handle that pins onto the front of the frame.
    He cut the front axle and part of the frame off the mower and found new wheels and an axle for the back. He welded the air tank to the mower frame, being careful not to burn a hole in the tank.
    “It provides enough pressure to use it for arc welding or sandblasting,” says Myrick. “I operate a welding shop in the country, and I often move it outside so I don’t have to listen to it run as I work inside.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shane Myrick, 17758 Vail Rd., Pleasanton, Kan. 66075 (ph 913 757-3309).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #1