2012 - Volume #BFS, Issue #12, Page #27
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Pearl's Premium "No Mow" Grass Lives Up To Claims
Pearl’s Premium “no mow” type grass does what it promises. It grows slowly, then tops out and falls over without matting up. Two years ago, I seeded several plots of shade and sun tolerant varieties of the grass. It was planted in very poor soil conditions; yet it emerged and thrived.One of the claims for the grass is that it seldom needs to be mowed or watered again, after it is established.” Here again, we put it to its harshest test. The grass was left uncut until the end of July. At that time two plots were clipped and the remainder left to grow. Grass blades had grown as much as 15 in. in length.
A full month later, the clipped grass had recovered. However, it had grown out only a couple of inches, even though there had been plenty of rain. It’s as slow growing as promised.
The sections left uncut have remained essentially unchanged since late July. The grass is no longer than it was then, and it still hasn’t collapsed or matted.
Cut Pearl’s Premium once or twice a season, or leave it alone throughout the season. Either way, it appears ideal for areas where a grass cover is desired, but a manicured look is not needed. Left to grow, it creates an attractive appearance, not wild and scraggly, simply eye-appealing mounds of long, green grass.
Pearl’s Premium won the MassChallenge Award for innovations that can make positive societal change, plus has had 70+ rave or positive reviews by the experts and the media. If you cut it only once a month, it stands up as a low-maintenance manicured 3 to 4-in. high lawn.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jackson Madnick, Pearl’s Premium Grass, 206 Lake Shore Drive, Wayland, Mass. 01778 (ph 508 653-0800; www.pearlspremium.com).
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