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Coulters Automatically Change Angle On Vertical Tillage Rig
“Our new vertical tillage machine lets you change the coulter angle from your tractor seat on-the-go, according to field conditions,” says John Redekop, Mandako Agri, Plum Coulee, Man.

    The “Twister” is equipped with independent gangs of wavy coulters. Each gang is controlled by a hydraulic cylinder. By activating a lever, the operator can change the coulter penetration angle anywhere from 0 to 9 degrees.

    “Being able to change the angle of the coulters on-the-go makes it easy to adjust how aggressively you cut trash in the field,” says Redekop. “You can leave the coulters at a zero degree angle if you just want to cut trash and leave it on top. Cutting the stalks down to size allows them to decompose faster. The machine weighs 675 lbs. per foot so it’s heavy enough to cut through tough corn stalks.

    “But if you want to incorporate more trash, you can easily set the blades at an angle. Incorporating more trash allows the seedbed to warm up and dry out quicker in the spring, so you can get in the field sooner with planting equipment. It also leaves the field with a smoother finish so your planter can do a nice, even job of seeding.”

    The Twister requires 10 hp/ft. Models are available 12 to 40 ft. wide.

    Available rear-mounted attachments include a spring tine harrow, 16-in. dia. rolling basket, and Phillips rolling harrow.

    The Twister retails for less than $2,000 per ft.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mandako Agri, Lot no. 1, Hwy. 306, Box 379, Plum Coulee, Man., Canada R0G 1R0 (ph 888 525-5892 or 204 829-3092; www.mandakoagri.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2