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Plastic "Hay Caps" Protect Big Stacks
Hay Caps designed for big square bales eliminate the need to climb up on bale stacks to cover them with tarps.
  The caps are placed on bales at ground level and secured with included plastic screw-in anchors. Then the bales are set in place at the top of the stack.
  “It takes less than one minute to secure each cap. The sides of the Hay Caps butt together, creating a continuous roof over the bales,” says Mark Lawler, ITW Plastic Packaging, Denver, Colo.
  Hay Caps are made of recycled high-density, UV-resistant polyethylene and come in 3 sizes that accommodate 3 by 3, 4 by 3, and 4 by 4-ft. bales. They measure just under 9 ft. long. A pair of galvanized wire rope “loops” at each end are used to secure the cap to the bale. You stretch the loops down tight and then insert the plastic screw-in anchors into the bale, either by hand or with a cordless drill.
  “The caps extend over both ends of the bales so water drains off. The edges fit together tightly so water can’t seep through. The caps are reusable and should last more than 10 years.”
  Hay Caps cost only about one third as much as a tarp over that 10-year period, says Lawler.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, ITW Plastic Packaging, 4950 Colorado Boulevard, Denver, Colo. 80216 (ph 855 442-9227 or 303 316-6800; mlawler@itwplastics.com; www.haycap.com.au).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2