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Finnish Chipper Chips Wood To Order
A pto-powered wood chipper from Finland turns slab wood, tree tops, thinnings and other log waste into chips that vary in size from 1/2 in. to more than 6 in. in length, depending on the size machine and screw, says John Egenolf, Driftwood Farm & Services. Egenolf uses and markets the chippers in North America.
  “We needed high quality chips for our gasification system,” explains Egenolf. “An increasing number of wood boilers come from Europe, and they require standardized chips as well. These chippers produce a uniform chip with very few fines.”
  Egenolf says the Finnish chipper uses a conical design with cutting screws instead of the more common drum and blade design found in North America.
  “You can buy one chipper and different size screws to make different size chips,” says Egenolf.
  Finnish manufacturer Laimet makes a wide variety of pto and diesel-powered chippers, as well as some electric-powered units. The smallest chipper Egneolf markets is the HP21, priced at $24,500 (Canadian). It requires a tractor with 85 to 90 pto hp and can handle wood and branches up to 6 1/2 in. in diameter.
  Customers can select from 8 different screw blades and 5 different chip sizes between 1/2 in. and 4 in. in length. Production volume varies from 26 to 52 cu. yds./hr., depending on the screw as well as type and size of wood being processed.
  “Europe has set standards for different chip sizes, and these screw blades produce to those standards,” explains Egenolf. “Since we have no such standards in North America, we send out sample chips for customers to identify the screw blade they want.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Driftwood Farm & Services, 3765 Aitken Rd., Smithers, B.C., Canada V0J 2N7 (ph 250 847-8780; egenolf.bc@gmail.com; www.biomassenergies.net).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4