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Removing Tree Stumps
“Whether you have 1 or 200 stumps, we can handle it,” says the “flyer” Gary Beautz uses to promote his tree stump removal service, headquartered in Milaca, Minn.
  He bought a Vermeer stump cutter (Model 1800) to launch the service and keeps it busy about 8 months of the year doing custom work. “It grinds stumps 12 in. below the ground and takes them out as fast as a D7 Caterpillar -- and costs only half as much,” says Gary. “Makes no mess and there are no stumps to haul away, or a big hole to plow around.”
  The going rate is about $20 an hour, plus travel time. Normally, the machine takes out four or five 3 ft. dia. stumps per hour.
  For more details on Vermeer’s complete line of stump cutters and possible leads on other “professional” stump cutters to compare notes with, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vermeer Manufacturing, Pella Iowa 50219 (ph 515 628-3141).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2