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"Trempe Treatment" For Cylinder Bars
Combine owners from all corners of the U.S. are sending new and used rasp bars to a farm shop near Seymour, Ind., for the “Trempe Treatment”.
  “I rework them the way I figure manufacturers should have designed them in the first place,” says Clarence Trempe. Using a cutting torch, he cuts out every other rib, then builds up and hard surfaces the remaining ribs, using tungsten carbide rods.
  “Manufacturers design cylinder bars primarily for wheat. The bars aren’t aggressive enough for corn or soybeans,” explains Trempe. “Reworking the bars makes a world of difference. You can put a third more material through your combine with the same amount of power. And, the treatment practically eliminates cracked or damaged kernels,” he told FARM SHOW. “If you hit a slug of weeds, these retooled bars will pull it right through.”
  If reworked bars are so much better, why haven’t combine manufacturers and dealers followed suit?
  “Everybody asks that question,” says Trempe, who has been custom retooling cylinder bars ever since he tried the “treatment” on his Gleaner “E” combine 10 years ago. He offers this explanation: “One reason might be that they’d probably ruin their market for replacement bars. These reworked and hard-surfaced bars never wear out. In fact, there’s so little wear, most owners don’t even bother to turn them around after so many hours of use.”
  Cost of the “Trempe Treatment” for a complete set of rasp bars is $5 per inch of cylinder width. For example, reworking all 8 bars on a 39 in. wide cylinder is $195, including balancing the bars. Trempe maintains a modest inventory of reworked bars for the most popular combine makes and models. When a customer sends in a set of bars. Trempe ships him a set of already reworked bars for that particular make and model combine. A customer can get his old bars back if he wants, but it takes longer, says Trempe.
  In reworking the bars, Trempe’s son, Ralph, removes every other rib. Trempe does the hard surface new and used chrome bars used in the newer model Gleaner combines,” says Trempe.
  If you’re handy with a cutting torch, you may want to try your hand at the “Trempe Treatment”. “Practice on a few discarded bars until you get the hang of it,” Trempe advises. “On brand new bars, it doesn’t do any good to simply remove every other rib without hard surfacing the remaining ribs. Without hard surfacing, the rib is too likely to bend or break.”
  How about the farmer who uses his combine only for wheat and other small grains? Would he benefit by having they cylinder bars reworked? How do reworked bars work in clover and other small seeded crops? How about sorghum?
  “I haven’t heard of a crop where the reworked bars haven’t measured up to regular bars in performance,” says Trempe. “They really shine in corn and soybeans. If I was using a combine only in wheat, I’d still go with the reworked bars to get the extra capacity, reduced kernel damage and the long life.”
  Trempe advises customers to call or write him in advance to make sure his work schedule is such that he can get reworked bars back by the time they’re needed. Most customers ship the bars via United Parcel Service (UPS), then add whatever the shipping cost is to their check to cover return shipment of the reworked bars.
  For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clarence Trempe, Junction U.S.-31 and 50, Seymour, Ind. 47274 (ph 812 522-1309).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #3