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No Rock Too Big For Bergen Picker
Al Bergen has yet to see a rock too big for his rock picker. However, sometimes the tractor pulling the Bergen Rock Picker isn’t big enough.
  “One customer had a 4-WD with triples all the way round and spun down all 12 wheels trying to pull a rock out,” recounts Bergen. “Guys have told me about hooking on to a rock and when they pull forward, there’s dirt moving behind their tractor wheels. However, I’ve never heard of a rock they could grab with the three teeth that couldn’t be moved.”
  The frame is 6 by 6 by 3/8-in. steel. The 3 teeth are the key to the design of the picker. The 2-in. thick steel plates at the rear “dig” to a depth of 34 in. behind a rock.
  The hydraulically-driven front tooth (also 2-in. steel) drives into the ground, curving back to grab the rock against the rear plates. Once secured in the 3-point grip, the 6-in. cylinder pulls it up and out of the ground. All 3 teeth feature replaceable tips, about the only real wear points on the machine.
  “The only limitation I’ve seen is the shape of the rock,” says Bergen. It can pick up rocks the size of a large desk, say 6 by 3 by 3-ft. all day long. It’s incredibly strong and very heavily built.”
  The Rock Picker/Digger was introduced in 1984 and has been updated many times over the years. One change was giving the front grabbing tooth a more curved design to pick up smaller rocks as well as large ones.
  “When it was introduced, we thought it was good to be able to grab 50 rocks in a day, something you couldn’t do with a backhoe,” says Bergen. “A local farmer rented one from us and said he picked more than 300 rocks in a day. Our customers now mark the location of big rocks with their GPS when combining and come back later to pull them out.”
  The Bergen Rock Picker/Digger is priced at $13,780 (Canadian). Although there are a few dealers in the U.S., most sales are made in Canada.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bergen Industries, Box 133, Drake, Sask., Canada S0K 1H0 (ph 306 363-2131; www.bergenindustries.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #1