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One-Handled Branch Cutter
“It speeds up the process when cutting up branches that won’t quite fit into a tree chipper. It also eliminates a lot of bending over,” says Dan Jacobson about his “one-handed branch cutter”.
  He bolted a curved metal tube onto a 12 by 20-in. metal base, and attached a 28-in. long branch cutter to the top by drilling holes through the handle. The corners of the base are bent down at a 90 degree angle so they bite into the ground and won’t slip.
  To operate, stand with one foot holding down the base. Then hold the branch in one hand and chop it with the other hand, and throw the branch right into the chipper.
  “The big advantage is that instead of squeezing the handles together you’re pushing down on just one handle, which requires less mechanical leverage,” notes Jacobson.
  Sells for $145 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Jacobson, 8913 Weaver Lake Dr., Pequot Lakes, Minn. 56472 (ph 218 543-6623).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #1