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Trailer House Used To Build Covered Bridge
A.H. Green used the frame of a 61-ft. long trailer house to build a beautiful covered bridge at his rural Texas home.
    Green got some of the material, like the decking, from his son, who does salvage work.
    When Green salvaged the trailer, he tore off wings to each side, leaving the frame 6 ft. wide. He also tore off an old stick-frame addition. Those materials provided much of what he needed for bridge sides and roof framing.
    “I don’t believe in throwing anything away,” admits Green.
    While the trailer would likely have been fine without additional supports, Green built a truss mid frame.
    “I set two 8 by 8 timbers in concrete on either side of the trailer frame and ran cross braces between them,” says Green. “That leaves a 30-ft. span to either side.”
    Green says the bridge is ideal for his five-acre property. His two sons and a granddaughter have houses on the property, and the bridge crosses a small, dry stream bed between one son and the granddaughter.
    “The trailer frame worked out well,” says Green. “I was paid to salvage out the trailer house, and if I had sold it for scrap I would have had to pay for the oxygen to cut it up. This way my family got a bridge.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, A.H. Green, P.O. Box 555, Rye, Texas 77369 (ph 936 685-2280).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #2