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Boc-Loc Tags
Boc-Loc Tags
The 3 1/2 by 3-in. Boc-Loc tags are made from a non-rigid plastic and numbered with either electro-welded or hot-stamped numbers. They're inserted through a hole punched in the dewlap skin about 6 to 8-in. down from the jaw break and in about 2 in. A plastic-coated metal hasp slips through a 3/8-in. hole put in the skin by an applicator. The tag fits over the two hasp prongs and is held in place by bending the prongs outward. Both tags and hasps can be reused.
The manufacturer notes that the tags can be put on cattle as young as one day old using the same precautions that you'd use putting in ear-tags. The hole in the brisket can be made with a heavy-duty leather punch or with the company's own applicator. It sells for $19.50. Tags, which are available in retail stores, have a suggested price of $1.09.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bock's Cattle-Identi Company, 3101 Cedar Ave., P.O. Box 614, Mattoon, Ill. 61938 (ph 217 234-6634).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #6